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Webinar Series

2nd Thursday of Every Month @ 10:30 AM

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Backup Planning

Providing Solutions That Work Since 2003!

104 1/2 W 9th Ave Suite 500
Winfield, KS 67156

Mon - Thurs 8 am - 5 pm CT
Fri 8 am - 4 pm CT


Sometimes technology can seem a little overwhelming.  There’s always something new to learn!  That’s why once a month we want to share ways you can improve your technology usage – always in a way that’s easy to understand.

Woman in distress, sitting in front of open laptop with her face in her hands

How Can Attackers Get In My Network?

There are lots of ways for an attacker to get into your network, but several common ways are used over and over by bad guys. Let’s briefly review the most common entry points.

Frustrated woman sitting in front of laptop with her hand thrown up in the air

Who Is Attacking My Network?

While there are several possible ways to group potential hackers, I like to categorize them based on their motivation for attacking a network. Using this basis, there are probably six different types of attackers that may be attacking your network.

Woman sitting in front of laptop with her head resting on her hand

Is My Network Really Under Attack?

Part of what makes the need for cybersecurity so hard to understand is that most of us really can’t “see” cyber attacks taking place against our network. But cyberattacks are real, and we need to be prepared for them to happen.

An ipad and iphone laying on a table with a cup of coffee and vase of flowers

Do you have a responsive website…or frustrated customers?

Your business has a website, but have you given any thought to how it looks on a smartphone or tablet? A responsive website will automatically resize your content to fit any screen size. No more scrolling around or zooming pages in and out.