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Webinar Series

2nd Thursday of Every Month @ 10:30 AM

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Backup Planning

Providing Solutions That Work Since 2003!

104 1/2 W 9th Ave Suite 500
Winfield, KS 67156

Mon - Thurs 8 am - 5 pm CT
Fri 8 am - 4 pm CT


Sometimes technology can seem a little overwhelming.  There’s always something new to learn!  That’s why once a month we want to share ways you can improve your technology usage – always in a way that’s easy to understand.

Chrome web browser showing little padlock in url bar

What Does That Little Padlock Really Mean?

That little padlock in our browser bar – we’ve all see it while shopping online and have been warned by our banks to look for it. But what does that little padlock really mean?

Typewriter with a paper that says "Domain Search"

How Do I Choose A Domain Name?

Choosing your domain name is an important first step in developing your web presence. Not only does your domain name affect your website, but also your branded company email. Once a domain is in use it becomes very difficult to change without confusing customers. Here are some considerations for choosing a domain name.

Finger touching cloud, lines in sky indicating networking

What Is The Cloud?

The idea of a “Cloud” can be difficult to grasp. I find that it helps to think back to something we’re all more familiar with – the water supply.

Laptop, computer, and extra monitor on desk

How Do I Begin Securing My Systems?

Take stock of the current state of computers, operating systems, network devices (switches, routers, controllers, radios, control systems, etc) WAN links, and other components. This would be a good time to contract with us for a Cybersecurity Assessment so that your network can be evaluated from an impartial perspective.

Woman sitting at desk, working on a laptop computer.

What Do I Look For In A Backup Provider?

Comparing backup providers can be difficult. Here are some things to consider:

Is the backup software easy for your users? Can it run automatically in a ‘hands off’ configuration? If you need to recover, how easily can you do it?