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Webinar Series

2nd Thursday of Every Month @ 10:30 AM

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Get Ready for Windows 11

Providing Solutions That Work Since 2003!

104 1/2 W 9th Ave Suite 500
Winfield, KS 67156

Mon - Thurs 8 am - 5 pm CT
Fri 8 am - 4 pm CT


Sometimes technology can seem a little overwhelming.  There’s always something new to learn!  That’s why once a month we want to share ways you can improve your technology usage – always in a way that’s easy to understand.

Man sitting in office working on laptop computer

Top 3 Traits of a Good Webmaster

A website is only relevant as long as it’s current. So who do you pick for your webmaster? I would like to suggest three traits to look for when delegating this responsibility.


Pre-Hacked Smartphones

Everybody likes their smartphone. And there’s no doubt they are great, useful tools for today’s life.

But one of the problems with technology is that all these cool toys create new ways for people to get our information. And when the toys come pre-hacked – well, it’s even more difficult to keep secure.

Domain Names

What’s In A Name?

You have seen the common Top-Level domains .com, .org, and .edu. You may have even come across some ccTLD (country code Top-Level Domains) such as .us, .uk, or .asia. The domain names of the internet are about to change again.