Logo: Practical Cybersecurity

Webinar Series

2nd Thursday of Every Month @ 10:30 AM

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What's Included in Microsoft 365?

Providing Solutions That Work Since 2003!

104 1/2 W 9th Ave Suite 500
Winfield, KS 67156

Mon - Thurs 8 am - 5 pm CT
Fri 8 am - 4 pm CT


Navigating the Challenges of Data Lifecycle Management   

Woman sitting at a desk working on a laptop. A notebook can be seen in the foreground.

Data lifecycle management (DLM) refers to several processes and policies that govern the handling, storage, and eventual disposal of data. Navigating the challenges of data lifecycle management requires a comprehensive approach – one that balances security, compliance, and operational efficiency.

Practical Cybersecurity Webinars: Announcing Series 2!

Practical Cybersecurity: Season 2 Starts November 14, 2024!

Custom Internet Services is excited to announce Season 2 of our Practical Cybersecurity Webinar Series! These short, 30 minute webinars are provided free of charge to businesses and organizations with questions about improving their cybersecurity stance. Each monthly session covers a different topic and offers practical cybersecurity tips that you can put to use.