Logo: Practical Cybersecurity

Webinar Series

2nd Thursday of Every Month @ 10:30 AM

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Get Ready for Windows 11

Providing Solutions That Work Since 2003!

104 1/2 W 9th Ave Suite 500
Winfield, KS 67156

Mon - Thurs 8 am - 5 pm CT
Fri 8 am - 4 pm CT


Does your business have a cybersecurity plan in place to protect your data and your business?

Custom Internet Services has the expertise make your network more secure and put in place plans to allow recovery in the event of a cyber incident.  The needs of each business or organization are unique, and we can address issues appropriate to your specific situation.

Contact us to learn more about how our team start securing your network.

Cybersecurity Planning & Implementation

Beginning with a Cybersecurity Assessment, we can help you develop a step-by-step plan customized to your situation. This plan will focus on the initial setps with the biggest payback in your network. We can also help you create appropriate IT policies so that everyone knows what is expected.

Ransomware Prevention

Seems like ransomware is in the news almost daily, and you don't want to be hit. While we can't guarantee you wont ever be hit by ransomware, we can help you harden your network against ransomware and then implement plans so that you can recover in the event of a ransomware incident.

Incident Recovery Pre-Planning & Response

No one wants a cyber incident, but they will happen for the majority of businesses. Let us work with you to evaluate just what your organization could withstand in an incident, and then help you craft and implement a plan to increase your resiliency in the event of an attack.


Organizations can be held to a variety of compliance regulations. HIPAA, PCI-DSS, CCPA, GDPR...and the list goes on. Let Custom Internet Services help implement policies and technology to help keep you compliant with the regulations relevant to your industry.

Vulnerability Management

Vulnerabilities to your organization's network can be caused by unpatched software and/or misconfigured settings. Custom Internet Services can help you identify and remediate potential cybersecurity issues before they become an active cyber attack.

Contact Us About Your Cybersecurity Needs!