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Organize Your Thoughts With Secret Boards on Pinterest


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Is your company starting to test the waters of Pinterest marketing? Pinterest business accounts are becoming more and more popular for engaging customers and generating new leads. Whether you’ve been in the game awhile or you’re just getting started, it’s important to present your company in a positive light. Pinterest pinners want to see what you have to share, but a business account full of empty boards is a turn-off.

So how do you create interesting boards without all the bare space? Secret Pinterest Boards. Creating secret boards allows you to collect pins and fill up your board before you set it out for everyone to see. This also gives you a chance to organize your thoughts and decide how you want to group your pins. Typically, I do not make my boards public until I have at least 5-10 pins together. Once your board is ready, simply change the settings from “Private” to “Public”.

One key point to keep in mind is that quality is more important than quantity. Having four or five quality boards will get you more followers than 20 skimpy boards. If you’re having trouble finding enough pins to fill a board, get creative. Change the name of your board to something more inclusive and consolidate some of your boards that are lighter on pins. You can always separate them back out again as your board grows.

For inspiration on creating your boards, take a look at the boards on our account, Custom Internet Services, LLC. We started first with four boards to match our primary areas of focus (Simple Business Management, Simple Business Communication, Simple Business Promotion, and Simple Business Protection) and have grown to over 40 different boards. By creating secret boards to store incomplete ideas and splitting off larger boards into more specific ones we are able to continue to grow my boards and our followers.

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Let our web & social team perform an evaluation of your company’s online presence.  With training and certifications in Search Engine Optimization, Social Marketing, Google My Business, and Website Accessibility, our team has the skills to guide you and your business into greater visibility on the web!

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